Sunday, August 15, 2010

Trellis Down! Trellis Down!

Two-week-old Athena that lost its connection to the sugar pumps. 

A brief rain (0.06 inches) was the straw the broke the bamboo trellis's back. That and three ripening melons hanging from the very top, and... SNAP! 

Spent the morning carefully cutting the string and bamboo trellis out of the vines, and laying the vines back out as close to righted as possible. Melons don't find the sun much, so we have to get them so it's just a quick leaf adjustment on the plant's part, or they won't be facing the light.

Then I'll have to construct some network of small mirrors and wires that gets the sunlight to the down-turned leaf faces, and that will be expensive. (Just kidding, I think...) 

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